
Monday, January 30, 2012

K-2 Math Journals: Place Value!!

Yippee!! I finished my K-2 place value pack for math journals! It's 70 pages, so there are plenty of ideas for differentiating!

These documents are printables and they are here, in my TPT store! Have a look if you're curious......

I'm off to bed super late again! I just have so much on my mind I really can't sleep!

Have a great start to your week everyone!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sneak peak: Place value pictures!

my visa application!!
Busy days and nights wowsa!! How are you all doing?!

Between working, gathering documents for my visa, planning wedding details (found my dress!), and all the teaching ideas in my head......there is so much to do!

I wanted to give a sneak peak of some of the Numbers and Base Ten ideas I'm working on to help make K-2 math journals a bit easier. I've created about 30 pages, but after reviewing a Common Core website for second grade NBT, I have more pages I'm working on before I put it on my TPT.

K-2 may seem like a wide range, but I think it's necessary for differentiating work and meeting the needs of the students.

Some of the matching activities can be played like a memory game at their seat first, and then glued into their journal the second time around. Some activities will be quicker than others (more time for math centers/stations!)

Off to bed! Hope you're all doing well : )


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

car and laptop fried!!!

In the past 5 days, my laptop booted up for the last time (pretty old, so this is not unexpected), my 13 year car is done (as in, too expensive to fix, so we are donating it), and printer is not working at parents house!!

But I really don't even care because I finally have my spousal visa appointment!!!

I have not seen my husband (although still kindof feels like fiance) since we got legally married at the end of August! Our wedding with friends and family is in London in April.

This visa process has taken sooooo much longer than I thought, but it should all be good to go a couple weeks after my interview! Wahoo!

AND, I'm working on a place value packet to support K-2 math journals and I can't wait to put it in my TPT store! So far I only have free things in my store; can't wait to try and sell!!

Have a great day!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award and some INSPIRATION!

Wow!!! Thank you Haley, at Following Optimism! She nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award--I am so pleased!!

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
Thank you Haley.

2. Share 7 things about myself.
-I met my husband when I was backpacking through Europe.
-I played the piano and had one put in my room my first year of teaching. Needless to say, I had it moved out by January because there was never time to play it (Did I think it was Leave it to Beaver days or what?!)
-I have been living like a gypsy for many years now and I CANNOT wait to settle in a bit (soon!) and decorate/organize our flat (apartment) and maintain a routine that now excludes the army!
-I got completely hooked into yoga about 18 months ago (soooo good for my bad back and anxious mind!)
-I hate it when people don't follow the rules! (speeding when driving, lying, cheating, etc) This really gets under my skin---why do some people think rules don't apply to them?
-my mom is my everything.......she is everything that is good and sweet in this world. I look up to her tremendously and tear up when I think about the wonderful influence she has had on me.
-my dream job would be to work on a documentary that compares/contrasts school systems around the world (my 2 favorites: different cultures & education!)

3. Pass this award on to 15 other bloggers who deserve such a great award!

A Teacher and a Blog

I would love to add more, but this rickety, ancient computer is going so slow and keeps shutting down!

So I will end with a blog that I am O-B-S-S-E-S-S-E-D with and share some pins from her site:

The Teacher Wife

Pinned Image
even and odd street-so cute!

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I am now convinced I must have all her posters and anchor charts : )
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fact families
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she put sheet metal on her wall which is magnetic!!

And, in a word, I desribe her classroom as heaven.

I'm off to bed finally! Have a great weekend!


Monday, January 9, 2012

K-2 Journal prompts for MLK Day (FREEBIE!!)

So not what I should be doing right now, but in that "mode" you know?

Similiar to my last resource, for those that use journals/notebooks, here are some options for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day for K-2 social studies journals..........hope you can use it--let me know if you do!

Click HERE for documents!!

Have a great week everyone!!!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!! Where have I been? I feel so behind in blogland!

I've been filling myself with as many vitamins and supplements as possible for my chronic SINITIS (anyone else suffer from this?) is a list infact:

-pantothenic acid (fancy multivitamin I think)
-vitamin C
-echinacea goldenseal
-nettle leaf
-daily allergy pill

I take all twice a day.  But I shouldn't complain coz I can breathe again!!

The good news is that it seems to have helped, as I've been hiking a ton this week, and back to yoga 4 times this week!!! YAY!!!

Since I'm making lists, here is the list I made before I decided to get carried away and organize my K-2 geometry resources for math journals:

1) wedding stuff (there's so much.......don't know where to begin......too stressful!)
2) clean out my room
3) cancel junk mail, phone, gym etc
4) book families flights for wedding
5) organize mini-Europe trip for when family comes for wedding (Amsterdam or Berlin? Thoughts?)

So, needless to say, I cut straight to my blog!

The rules of this award are as follows:

1. Show your appreciation to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog.
Thank you Tanya! A Class Act

2. Nominate five happy little blogs (200 followers or less) by posting a comment on their blogs.

3. Post the award on your blog.

4. Check out what the other up-and-coming blogs have to offer.



First Grade Delight