
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Today I will be OK

Hello Blogging Community!

Well I am still not where I thought I would be, but I am heading in the right direction I think!

I thought by this time of the year that I would be in the British schools, taking pictures left and right, to share ideas from across the pond with all of you.

God has other plans for me. Of course. Why do I always try to be so headstrong and make my own path when I know He's in control? And why do I get so anxious even though I know I should Trust in God and be anxious for nothing? I'm not usually like this, but there is SO much out of my control at this time it seems.

Anyway............I still have no job prospects at this time because of the technicality for overseas teachers. I still have a long list of DIY wedding stuff to get sorted before my family arrives next week!!! I was up until 3am last night on ebay getting who knows what for a flippin' candy bar??!!

But I am enjoying the process of putting our personal stamp on this wedding. for the most part. could really use my girlfriends back home right about now. for advice. for wine nights with Real Housewives. I miss them. I even miss Arizona, 110 + heat all summer long, immigration issues, bad public transport and all.

Today, I vow to not be anxious about the upcoming hosting for our wedding celebration and sightseeing with our families and hoping the wedding goes as it's supposed to.

I will be thankful I have my wonderful love, here with me, not in Afghanistan. We're not destitute, so I will not fret about money. I do have friends here and an amazing church.

My sweetie came off a looooong shift and I'm going to get him breakfast now. If this is my life for now, I will make the most out of it. Today I will be OK.

How about you? Do you get anxious like me?


What a cutie!


  1. Hey Kelli - I totally know what you're staying about being anxious. I am alot, so much that I'm reading some stuff by Dr. Wayne Dyer about it. I was referred to him by a friend. Anyways, I'm trying to clear my thoughts and might even take some tries at meditation. anyways, you should check him out on Amazon. His newest book is called Wishes Fulfilled. Hope all is going well, and I love reading your blog!

  2. Hey, that was me on my mom's computer and account! sorry for the confusion!

  3. I find myself at times saying, "What does God say about this?" I'm pretty sure He doesn't get out of sorts like I do. I pray God shows you what He thinks about where you're at right now.

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. Anxiety is a huge deal for me!
    I think it is my control issues- along with other ones....I could use a magazine rack for all my issues....har har....

    But I get through it! I know you will too- So glad you have him home!

    Going Nutty!

  5. Hi Kelli:

    I have huge anxiety issues.
    When I am spiraling into CrazyLand, I reach for
    Philippians 4...
    I am sending you hugs and warmest wishes... and prayers for the stress to be minimized and for all of your wedding plans to fall right into place!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  6. Hi Michelle, great to see you on here! Hmmm, you might have something there with the meditation. I have not been going to yoga regularly since I got here! Yoga is a huge relaxer for me!
    Tammy-thanks for your sweet words....I'm trying to find contentment, whatever the circumstances. It's so important to be grateful!
    Staci, I'm happy to have him home too! How can I complain about anything when he's home safe and sound?! : )
    Kim-yes, Philippians 4 is a good passage to remember! Thank you for the reminder!
