
Sunday, May 27, 2012

British classrooms #1

Into the classrooms last week and this week! Behind with the blogging because I come home and work on looking for jobs or filling out applications : (

Anyway, here are some pictures from a day working in a nursery class (3 & 4 yr olds, I call it Preschool 1).......most children can write their name and know the basic 26 sounds! Crazy.

It was a nice day, but I found the time to go by so   s l o w l y  as I helped children paint, etc. It was developmentally appropriate and all, but it reminded me of when I worked at a daycare back in the day. But it's good to have experiences.

lots of rainy days ya know!

a whole lot going on in this preschool room!

3 little pigs construction, etc (they made a house in their outside play area)
 I LOVE the journeys to school (when it's not raining)!  It is so different from being in my car so much as I did back in Arizona.  There is something so amazing to me that I can walk, take a bus/tram/train to get to work and be outside more. People find that strange here, but I love public transport!!

cricket in the park after school---have you ever seen a cricket match??

I will never tire of enjoying the color of the doors, ha!

This week I assisted in a reception class (I call it Preschool 2), it has 4 & 5 yr olds, it's all day, is mandatory in this country, and free unless it's a private school.....don't you wish we had free, mandatory preschool in America?

So this job was for most of the week, Tuesday-Friday. And it was at a private school, the first one I've worked at in England. The families pay £10,000 a year!! This school just has nursery, reception and Year 1 (kindergarten). Imagine paying £10,000 each year starting from when the child is 3 years old??!! A lot of money! So I thought this school would be flawless, super meticulous,etc. right?

On that note, I think I will leave you hanging as this post has become quite long!! I will do another post later in the week with photos from the school and a freebie!!

Hope the end of your school year is near/already here!!



  1. I love seeing what you're up to over there. They seriously know their letters? Sweet. All your pictures are great. I love all the boots. That picture of the classroom is literacy-rich! Our fire marshals would throw a fit. :) I'm looking forward to hearing more!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. While I would NEVER wish for mandatory preschool in the U.S. (we're homeschoolers, so the idea strikes horror into my heart), I'm disappointed for you that you're having such a hard time finding employment. I, too, am curious about others' experiences--I've always thought that those in the education and medical fields were the most employable. There's not much out there for graphic designers, either!

  3. Great sharing and useful information. Can use for my thesis writing services uk .

  4. Very entertaining children enjoy the school children are shining future.
