
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

School year of firsts!

I made it!!! Last day of school! 

In some ways it was super easy (the kids), and in other ways it was a lot of work (new curriculum). There were a lot of FIRSTS!

What will I do first tomorrow??? I'm thinking London Science Museum or book in the park! So excited for the summer!

K xx


  1. wow, crow pose is in your kids' curriculum! Crazy! I just tried it for the first time this week : )

    Enjoy your free time - unwind, rejuvenate, and keep writing! Love reading your blog!

  2. I'm kind of jealous of your flip up desks! I feel like they would be much easier to keep organized, and I like the space on the inside of the cover!

    Third Grade in the First State

  3. Hi Kelli
    This is just to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster award. Thanks for being a unique blogger.
    The rules and info are on my latest post.


  4. What an amazing array of experiences. I'm so glad it was a rewarding time for you!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  5. Michelle-I still can't believe they have gymnastics in their curriculum!

    Meg-yes, they have their perks, just wish they weren't falling apart!

    Becky-thanks for the award...I will pop over there today! Really appreciate it!

    Tammy-it has been quite a year. I feel very blessed.

    Kim-finally on vacation-so happy!!!! Thanks for stopping by : )
