
Friday, April 4, 2014

FREEBIE Friday!!


I am finally on Easter Holidays/Spring Break! It could not come quick enough. 

There is some yucky stuff going down at my school.

I can't say much, but let's just say between student bullying allegations and nearly half the staff leaving at our very small private school (including our Head/Principal) life has been stressful to say the least.

In all honesty, several of the teachers are leaving because of maternity leave/staying home with new baby. 

However there is other crap stuff going on too.

Needless to morale is low.

It's hard to get away from low morale when it seems to be everywhere. Does anyone else feel like this at their school at the moment?

But anyway, we've got 3 weeks off, then 1 term left (schools go til mid/late July here). It is great to change environments for awhile.

Therefore, on a positive note-I've decided to get back into blogging a bit more and am starting with [trying] to post a freebie every Friday! I know that structure might help me blog more regularly like I want to do!

I would like to blog once more during the week. I was thinking Memory Monday or Wordless Wednesday? I think I've heard of those before. What do you think?
So here is the freebie for today! A spelling menu (one for second/third grade and one for fourth/fifth grade).

Now I have a love /hate relationship with spelling lists and spellings tests, but hey. My boss says I have to do it. Now while I do have differentiated spellings lists, I have not been satisfied with the ways I've seen for practicing it. 

I'm not sure how it will go, but I'm going to give it a try. Maybe you can use it too. (We have a spelling notebook/journal for all their spelling homework so it's all in one place. I will have them glue their spelling menu into their notebook)


  1. Sounds like you completely deserve your three weeks off. I hope you can thoroughly enjoy every day.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. YES. I totally hear you about the crap-stuff.

  3. Hi Tammy! I'm enjoying it tremendously!

    I just read your whole blog! I hope your next adventure has a better outcome. Thanks for stopping by : )
