
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Calling all ELL teachers!! Or anyone that wants a peek into an Australian classroom!

Oh my heart be still.

I miss teaching in Australia so bad.

A year ago I was still in Australia.

I feel like I can say this:
~my heart is in England (my sweetheart is there, but I will join him again soon!)
~what I know is in Arizona
~where I belong is Australia

I just came across these pictures from my classroom when I taught at the English Language School in Melbourne.

Not an ELD class with 25-30 students.

I'm talking a New Arrivals program (immigrants and refugees from ALL over) for students(9-12 students per class) that are new to the country and are pre-literate, have interrupted schooling, or near equivalent school but are acquiring English.

Different from a public school, but connected to a public school (if that makes sense).

And I had the amazing experience of having the most beautiful, sweet, humble and hard-working students for 6 months (until my stupid visa ran out!). But I guess the cool thing is that the previous 6 months before that job I got to sub around Australia which was a great experience too.

Anyway, I came across these pictures and remembered again how much I loved going to that job everyday (I still think I got pneumonia because my room was not well-heated in the winter, but hey) and loved my life in that country.

Ah, a special time.

I could talk all day about the specifics of this amazing program that Australia has got going on. But I'm so tired tonight.

Here's some pictures.....excuse the make-shift stuff. Construction paper and other basics do not flow as freely as in the States......especially with the limited budget of the Language Schools.

Did I mention this job was like heaven on earth?

And that the parent-teacher conferences were the must humbling experiences of my life?

The respect and appreciation I felt nearly blew me over. I remember thinking, bottle this up Kelli. Don't ever forget the words these parents are saying to you. This may be the highlight of your career.

The parents see their children acquiring English as the key to life.

They used dictionaries or picture dictionaries daily.

One of the leveled spelling lists (I had about 3 levels in the class)

I definitely brought some phonics over! Zoo Phonics for all,
some "flexible" Spaulding for others

in the library

The most popular game in the class!!
Guess Who? (Deluxe)
The best way to get them talking!!!
And understand how to ask yes/no questions!!

like I said, paper was scarce

Field trip graphic organizer
(what they saw, heard, smelled, touched)
~any level can do it!!

The same child wrote a recount the day after
the field trip, using his graphic organizer!

I have some documents to add for some centers I created (not shown).......but I'll have to do it another night. Now I'm off to bed dreaming of kangaroos, trains, beaches and flowers.


  1. Totally agree about the paper. I hoard mine like its going out of style. :)

  2. This post makes me insanely homesick...I'm an Australian living in American, teaching in Texas. I envy your courage to pick up and go...I'd love to do the same in the very near future. How was it leaving your family?

  3. Hello Angela! Leaving my family gets easier each time (I have moved abroad 4 times). The first time was the hardest, but the growth I have made in my journeys cannot be measured.

    I try and go to the States twice a year for a few weeks at a time...that comforts me when I'm homesick. It's also helpful to keep in mind that living overseas probably won't be forever-so just do it and make the most of it!

    Good luck!
