here we are, the happy couple : ) |
Hello!!!!!! Thank you for stopping by!
So here I am. In London. A newlywed.
LOVE this new time of my life with my sweet le Rey. I waited a long
time to start this part of our life together. And I'm glad I waited,
because he is so wonderful to me!
I have had to change my
expectations about my teaching status here in the UK. I thought I would
be teaching right now, and doing interviews for a job for September.
seems, on average, that 60-100 teachers are applying for each of the
jobs I'm applying for?! Is this how it is where you are? I've also been
told that schools don't care about my Master's degree or other
certs--is this how it is in your district?
And the substitute work has not been pouring in.
through this journey, I have been thinking a lot about the various
avenues that education has. Literacy roles (not many here in the UK),
classroom teaching, consulting, specials like P.E. etc (not here except
in private schools).........and also the concept of PUBLIC AND PRIVATE
I have done a majority of my teaching in Title
1 schools, in low SES areas, with many students starting school already
very behind (anyone else?).....I've taught in some higher SES areas,
but I feel my heart is really in more deprived areas.
love learning from different environments (I admit that I complain and
struggle though), and was wondering what teaching might be like in a
private school? Private schools here in the UK might be exceptionally
difficult for me though, as I don't know the curriculum as well as in
the US of course.
Can I tell you though, that during
this past week, that I went to see 2 high-end public schools that have
teaching vacancies, and 1 of them expected me to teach French (in
addition to all the other subjects!) to the first graders!? I don't
think I'm posh enough for that school! The head master at the other
school went on and on about how his school looked and things he bought
("our PTA raised £30,000 last year-there's our baby grand piano there,
we have ipads for the students, we have 3 choirs, fancy lights for drama
So, please help an unemployed girl
out! Tell me about your teaching experiences: public, private, your
favorite teaching positions, least favorite.........PLEASE!
thanks, and I can't wait to hear from you! I did not expect such uncertainty in this
part of my journey, as work has always been steady (and easy to get) the past 10 years. There are many days when I just want to take
my husband and move back home to Arizona, with family and friends, life
is easier and I could go back to my old school! But you can't give up
when things are hard, right? All the lessons/amazing insight seem to come when you're
fighting your way through!
Thanks for reading and enduring my complaining and
whining! I hope to be in more classrooms soon, with lots of pictures to
share British classrooms!
Have a good day, I know most of you are nearly on summer vacation (schools go til the end of July here).
P.S. I just noticed I now have 100 FOLLOWERS!! This is very exciting for me!!! Stay tuned for a freebie!!! I'm thinking of giving away a free set of my K-2 everydayPORTFOLIOS (journals)......I'll see if there's any interest first.