I have been nominated for The Leibster Award by two lovely ladies, Tania (Mrs. Poultney's Ponderings) and Rae (Mindful Rambles)-how kind!! I will answer 5 questions from each blogger so that you don't have read too long!
Here are the rules: (eh...it's up to you how you do it)
1. You must answer the questions set for you.
2. You must create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
3. You must choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them in your post.
You cannot “tag back” the other blog, but leave a comment on this post
with the URL of your Liebster post so I can learn more about you &
see who you nominate.
1. If you weren't a teacher/educator/your current occupation, what would you be? OH! A job that I always thought would be amazing would be to do soundtracks for movies. Not like the composer, but the person that picks the songs for the scenes, etc. ya : )
2. What is your favorite genre of music? You may have gathered that I like music from the question above. I lOVE many types of music. Fits the mood.
1. If you weren't a teacher/educator/your current occupation, what would you be? OH! A job that I always thought would be amazing would be to do soundtracks for movies. Not like the composer, but the person that picks the songs for the scenes, etc. ya : )
2. What is your favorite genre of music? You may have gathered that I like music from the question above. I lOVE many types of music. Fits the mood.
3. What was your favorite subject in school? What was your least favorite? Fav-reading/spelling. Least-science.
4. What is one way that you do to ensure a healthy lifestyle?
4. What is one way that you do to ensure a healthy lifestyle?
No soda, no fast food.
5. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? 7-8
6.What is the scariest thing you have ever done? Getting married: being the center of attention, doing it without my best friends (in another country). Worrying if everyone would have a good time. (it was great!)
7.Do you play a sport? I played volleyball, basketball and softball in high school.
8.How many stamps in your passport? I am a blessed girl : )
9.What is your favorite season? Fall/Winter
10.Who was your favorite teacher when you were a student? I loved my third grade teacher Mrs. Nakamura. She was sweet, nice and I learned how to do my times tables really well.

Renee's fantastic blog is here!
Here are my questions:
1) What word annoys you?
2) What is the best movie you've seen recently?
3) What is your idea of a perfect Saturday morning?
4) What is the best concert you've seen?
5) 3 things I always have in my fridge are...
Have a great day!!!