Well, we're nearly 6 weeks in, and have half term break around the corner (2 weeks off starting with a trip to Vienna on Saturday)!
This year is SOOOOOO much better since I've stayed on at the school and am actually teaching the same curriculum again (what a concept?!)...I've moved around a lot in the past remember, so this is all new to me!
So I've been able to fine-tune lessons from last year (wonderful lessons that had been put in place by the teacher I was covering) and now I actually know everything I'm teaching ahead of time and feel so much more on top of it all! Last year it took so much time to learn about the British history and other stuff I had to teach because let's face it...my knowledge of WW2 and the Tudors and Victorians were not exactly up to scratch!
Battle of Britain |
My students are wonderful and working very hard. My Year 6 class (fifth grade equiv) just finished a unit on Holes and we watched the movie on Friday (I've rarely done this so what a treat!). Can't wait for the compare/contrast segment tomorrow at school. On a side-note, can I just mention that this class is so sweet that they brought in stuffed animals for the movie?! Stay innocent as long as you can my lovelies! Aw!
Another thing I love about teaching over here (particularly at this school) is that the curriculum is so balanced. English is 1 hour a day (I've been able to add an extra on Mondays for reading comprehension/guided reading)
Math is 1 hour a day
Science 2 hrs/week
Geography 1hr/week
History 1hr/week
ICT (ipads/computers) 1hr/week
Art 1 hr/week
PE 2-3 hr/week
Music 1 hr/week
Languages (2 languages) 2 hr/week
D&T (design and technology) 1hr/week...currently making musical instruments!
RE 1 hr/week...currently cut down to 30 min this term because of gymnastics
And I only teach English, Geography and History (and whole school Gymnastics) out of all those subjects! How lucky! I teach each of those subjects to a couple grade levels, but it's still very manageable. What do you think about a balanced curriculum? Do you think your school is too heavy in one area?
Health-wise, things have returned back to crapville. The summer was not bad, but once the weather changed and I was back to work, it was back to sinus infections day.after.day.week.after.week. I've seen an EMT again and am trying to get my nose scan scheduled....anyway I feel like a broken record talking about this constant health problem that never seems to get better. I know it could be worse. But grrrr. It could be so much better! Must persevere!
Well I was going to talk about the Big Writing focus we have at our school, but I think I've talked long enough. Hope you are all well and enjoying life!
Sneak peek for Big Writing:
essential for end of the week 'Big Write'...indiv target card, plan, paper, dim lights and soothing music! |
K xx